Knowledge sharing

MCA Computing-MPC

MCA (Mission-critical-application)

Mission Critical Application (MCA) is a set of applications that investigate human life or numerous financial losses. Once a system runs the application failed, such as vehicle controller in a car, and up to wide area control system of power grid. However, those systems vary with different use cases, and therefore relate to different trade-offs among ruggedness, computing power, thermal management, and dimension.

Rugged enough
for harsh environment

Responds within
a determined time

Tolerance to
scope of regulations

MCA Design Methodology

MiTwell provides custom design services for building up a Mission Critical System (MCS) with our service based on a design methodology, modeling and measurement of engineering sample, smart I/O that offloading I/O task, and thermal trade-off tool for helping MCS to fits MCA. MiTwell is able to give accurate design proposal to satisfy requirements and tolerant in fields, such as thermal, power supply and EMC protection.


Full Parametric Design

Sensitivity Analysis

Efficiency Analysis

Multi-object Optimization

Cost Effectiveness Analysis



Find unknow characteristic
for modeling

Find distance to design goal

Quality control of component

Smart I/O

Thermal Trade-off Tool

Design Difficulties of MCS

MCA is customed by requirement with analysis of modeling methodology and measurement, we are able to develop equipment which used in defense markets. Design to meet military standard, such as MIL-STD-461 and MIL-STD-810 series that is our best practice to implement projects in radar systems, sonar systems, fire control systems, communication HMI, etc.

Harsh environment protection

Better thermal solution

Custom EMC capability

SWaP with performance

Design Services for MCS

MCA is customed by requirement with analysis of modeling methodology and measurement, we are able to develop equipment which used in defense markets. Design to meet military standard, such as MIL-STD-461 and MIL-STD-810 series that is our best practice to implement projects in radar systems, sonar systems, fire control systems, communication HMI, etc.

Chassis &
Rugged System

RISC Computing

Rear Transition Module

X86 CPU Computing

Signal Converter

Data Recorder

MW’s Solutions for MCS

Defense project is one of the most difficult MCA equipment and MiTwell owns technologies and experience to serve our customers developing products with rugged and EMI protecting features used in harsh environments.

Rolling Stock Solution

Defense market Solution

Rugged Panel Solution