The RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing) architecture is considered to design embedded systems with optimized performance, low power consumption and cost efficiency benefits. They make RISC suited for use in real-time applications. The OSM, the smallest module form factor defined by SGeT, is a great platform adopted RISC for industrial Internet-of-Things (IIoT).
The RISC-based OSM modules are usually developed for specific applications. The core of the RISC architecture has the features of high graphics performance and low power consumption, which are available for customers to expand their requirement. Because the functionality of the RISC architecture continues to become richer with applications, the open community could develop more RISC-enabled operating systems, which further helps RISC systems implementing into new markets and applications.
In order to provide full advantages of OSM, especially for the miniaturized and robust board, or system level design and the need to integrate modules in advance, OSM is the best solution. The RISC-based OSM can not only integrate IIoT applications, but also use the resources of the RISC ecosystem to achieve rapid development and time-to-market.
In addition, the market demand for miniaturization allows the OSM platform to fully utilize the low power consumption features of RISC, and the specific purposes of functions and interfaces also allows the miniaturized system to fit customer needs.
MiTwell provides the RISC-based OSM module and the standard form factor transfer boards. Our customers can quickly convert the original module, as well as develop the carrier board and software to meet their needs. RISC-based OSM module can build rugged, reliable and pre-integrated products in a short time for mobile and ultra-compact systems. Contact us to find out more.
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