MiTwell, Inc. made its debut at TADTE in Taipei World Trade Center, Taiwan.

MiTwell will be showcasing the latest advanced technology products and system at this bi-yearly International defense exhibition-TADTE 2017 in Taipei, Taiwan for the first time.

MiTwell will be showcasing the latest advanced technology products and system at this bi-yearly International defense exhibition-TADTE 2017 in Taipei, Taiwan for the first time.

Taiwan– At Taipei Aerospace & Defense Technology Exhibition, TADTE 2017, in Taiwan, MiTwill will be showcasing the latest advanced technology products and system. Except displaying our in-house design capability and services by demonstrating our success stories for partners, MiTwill also will bring our latest high performance computing card-FPGA solutions, selections of multi-functional displays in military grade, products for Compact PCI, rugged enclosures, different commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) module type products and related rugged systems, which are suitable for the land-based vehicle, warship, and marine applications.

Come visit MiTwell and learn more about us in Taipei World Trade Center at Hall 1, stand no A0229a at the biennial TADTE 2017 in Taipei, taking place from Aug. 17 through Aug. 19 (Thursday to Saturday). Our experts will be on site to answer your questions. This exhibition is the 14th edition of mainly international aerospace and defense technology exhibition in Taiwan.

About MiTwell-Your design partner
MiTwell is specialized in the vertical market of Military (Defense), Industry (Factory Automation) and Telematics (Transportation). We can provide the high computing performance and rugged design computer products with the most reliable solution and high quality to the global customers from X86 single board computers through to embedded system integration or RISC solution.

After several years of cultivating in the vertical market of military sector and through the tenders participation experiences, MiTwell is chosen to be FPGA DSN (Design Solution Network) member as the 3rd official partner by Intel/Altera in Taiwan in the 2nd half of 2016, and we are the 1st industrial company to have such honor.


瑞利軍工(股票代號: 6635) 即將在2017年8月17日(周四) 至8月19日(週六) 於世貿一館「台北國際航太暨國防工業展」中強勢登場!

瑞利軍工以領先業界之研發能力,投入高度技術整合的軍用電子產品市場,並承襲瑞傳科技25年來在工業電腦的高品質口碑及研發技術,將於展中發表二款搭載最新型Intel® Arria® 10 GX 1150 FPGA可編程高效能運算卡及符合2U 高度機箱的設計,可應用於機架式系統內,提供需要運算導向之應用環境。其中,一款為擁有可擴充介面功能,提供使用者I/O功能擴充與客製使用彈性,同時也提供12V直流輸入介面,可進行單獨運算;另一款則具備標準NIC (Network Interface Card) 尺寸,方便於機架式系統中使用。 除此之外,瑞利軍工針對地面車載、軍艦與船舶海事應用將展示多種軍用等級顯示器,推出不同運算平台的6U Compact PCI 刀鋒式單板電腦和標準6U Compact PCI 2U/4U 高機架式機箱系統,展現各種 Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) 模組化產品 (例如: Qseven、SMARC與Com Express®) 及相關強固型系統,以滿足各種市場需求。

2017年「台北國際航太暨國防工業展」即將於8月17日至19日於世貿一館舉行,瑞利軍工(攤位號碼:A0229a) 竭誠歡迎各界人士前往參觀與會,共創新商機!

瑞利軍工(MiTwell) 著重於工業電腦硬體之設計、研發、製造與整合,致力於軍事設備、工業控制、車載系統等應用領域的技術發展。我們以高品質、高性能和強固耐用可靠的電腦產品,提供全球客戶從單板電腦到嵌入式系統整合,以及RISC 解決方案。

透過專案及在軍用垂直整合市場深耕多年的經驗累積,相關的產品已逐漸運用在防禦系統實務中。瑞利軍工於2016年榮獲 Intel®/Altera® FPGA DSN (Design Solution Network) 會員,為台灣第一家獲得此殊榮的工業電腦廠商,並取得ISO-9001 與漢翔航空(AIDC) 評鑑S300 航空工業品質系統認證。我們的總部以及研發設計製造皆位於台灣,並在全球各地設立銷售與服務據點。

For further information, please contact:
MiTwell, Press Center,
+886 7705-8788

+886 7705-8788